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Black-spotted moray. Maldives. - Global - Morena moteada. Maldivas. - Global

Photo Gallery Scuba and Dives - Galería de Fotos Submarinismo

 Black-spotted moray. Maldives. - Global: Very timid and almost blind, moray eels can grow up to 2 meters long. (Gymnothorax tessellata).
Morena moteada. Maldivas. - Global: Tímidas y cegatas, las morenas llegan a medir hasta 2 metros. (Gymnothorax tessellata).

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Morena moteada. Maldivas. - Global  Photo  Next >>
Black-spotted moray. Maldives. - Global - Morena moteada. Maldivas. - Global

Black-spotted moray. Maldives. - Global: Very timid and almost blind, moray eels can grow up to 2 meters long. (Gymnothorax tessellata).
Morena moteada. Maldivas. - Global: Tímidas y cegatas, las morenas llegan a medir hasta 2 metros. (Gymnothorax tessellata).

Author:   M. Karschau

Submarines Photography: Scuba Pictures in Maldives: coral reciffs, sharks, barracudas, corals....

Fotografias Submarinas: Fotografias Submarinas en arrecifes coralinos del Oceano Indico: morenas, rayas, corales, tiburones....

  Total Photos: 32   Pag. Index 1 2 3 4 >>

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