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Travel Photos/Fotos de Viajes | Top 20
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Pictures of Travels in Italy: Rome, sicily, Florence, Venezia, Venice Fotografias de Viajeros en Italia: Roma, Venecia, Pisa, Florencia, Sicilia...
Total Photos: 45 | Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 >> |  |
Palcio Pitti -Florencia- Italia Palazzo Pitti, Florence -Firenze- Italy Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas Text: Este palacio fue originalmente residencia de Luca Pitti, poderoso banquero florentino. Después paso a las manos de la familia Medici en 1549 y se conviertió durante tres siglos en residencia oficial del Gran Duque de la Toscana. This palace was originally the town residence of Luca Pitti, a Florentine banker. It was later bought by the Medici family in 1549: as the official residence of the ruling families of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, it was enlarged and enriched almost continually over the following three centuries
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Catedral de Siena- Italia Cathedral of Siena- Italy Author: Enrique Pastor Garcia Text: La catedral de Siena es una obra maestra del arte románico. The cathedral of Siena, the Duomo, begun in the 12th century, is one of the great examples of Italian romanesque architecture.
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Plaza del Palio -Siena- Toscana - Italia Palio Square, Piazza -Siena- Tuscany - Italy Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas Text: La Piazza del Palio es otra de las estampas mas famosas de Italia. Sus carreras de caballos y sus desfiles son imagenes que todos tenemos grabadas. La Piazza del Palio is another world famous squares. The town's central piazza is the site of public games and horse races.
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Toscana - Italia Tuscany - Italy Author: Ale Text: La Piazza del Campo, del siglo XII, se construyó en forma de abanico y está contenida por finos palacios. Casi en el centro del espacio, la Fonte Gaia, una enorme fuente rectangular, de mármol y decorada con relieves. The Piazza del campo, of century XII, was constructed in fan form and is contained by fine palaces. Almost in the center of the space,there is the Fonte Gaia, an enormous source rectangular, of marble and decorated with reliefs.
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Toscana - Italia Tuscany - Italy Author: Ale Text: La Piazza del Campo, del siglo XII, se construyó en forma de abanico y está contenida por finos palacios. Casi en el centro del espacio, la Fonte Gaia, una enorme fuente rectangular, de mármol y decorada con relieves. The Piazza del campo, of century XII, was constructed in fan form and is contained by fine palaces. Almost in the center of the space,there is the Fonte Gaia, an enormous source rectangular, of marble and decorated with reliefs.
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Torre de Pisa - Italia Tower of Pisa- Italy Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas Text: Carlos, demostrando sus grandes conocimientos de arquitectura, ha conseguido enderezar la torre inclinada de la catedral de Pisa. Gracias, Carlos, la Humanidad siempre estará en deuda contigo. Carlos, demonstrating his big architecture knowledge, it has been able to straighten the inclined tower of the cathedral of Pisa. Thank you, Carlos, the Humanity will always be in debt with you.
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Plaza de Lucca- Italia Square -Lucca- Italy Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas Text: Vista de la ciudad con niebla. Lucca was the largest Italian city state with a republican constitution ("comune") to remain an independent republic over the centuries.
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Cordillera de los Dolomitas -Cortina d'Ampezzo- Italia Dolomites Mountains -Cortina d'Ampezzo- Italy Author: A. Hernadez Text: Esta zona de Italia posee magníficas estaciones de esquí y es ideal para los deportes de invierno. Los Dolomitas son parte de los Alpes. This mountains of Italy has greats sky intallations and It is good for winter sports. Dolomites (Dolomiti) are part of the Alps.
| Total Photos: 45 | Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 >> |
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Travel Photos/Fotos de Viajes | Top 20
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