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Photo Gallery Ireland
Galería de Fotos Irlanda

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 Photos of a Trip in Ireland: Dublin, Trinity College, Four Courts, Custom House, Temple Bar, Georgian Architecture, Glendalough, Wicklow, Clonmacnoise, Newgrange, Shannon river, Connemara, Fiord de Killary, Clifden, Clif of Moher, Burren & Galway

  Total Pictures: 38   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 >>
Go to big photo: Airport of Dublin Airport of Dublin
Author: A. De Cara
Text: The modern building of Dublin's Airport.
Go to big photo: Georgian House in front of Merrion Park - South Dublin Georgian House in front of Merrion Park - South Dublin
Author: A. De Cara
Text: Georgian Architecture in the south of Dublin. Dublin City is over a thousand years old and successive centuries have left their distinctive overlays of character and architecture, but none stronger than the great Georgian period of the eighteenth century.
Go to big photo: Door of a Georgian District of North Dublin Door of a Georgian District of North Dublin
Author: A. De Cara
Text: Georgian Architecture in the north of Dublin.
Go to big photo: Inside of St. Patrick's Cathedral - Dublin Inside of St. Patrick's Cathedral - Dublin
Author: A. De Cara
Text: Saint Patrick's was founded in 1191, in the site of a holy well used by St Patrick for baptisms and a church was established here as early as the late fifth century. In 1872, St Patrick's became a national cathedral for the Church of Ireland.
Go to big photo: Christchurch Cathedral- Dublin Christchurch Cathedral- Dublin
Author: A. De Cara
Text: Sitriuc, King of the Dublin Norsemen, founded the Cathedral in the year 1030. Christ Church Cathedral is one of Dublin's oldest and most recognised landmarks.
Go to big photo: Killary Harbour - Connemara Killary Harbour - Connemara
Author: A. De Cara
Text: Connemara, Galway's West Coast, boasts beautiful mountains, bogs, lakes and coastal landscapes. Killary isn't a rellay harbour, it is the Ireland's only fiord.
Go to big photo: Kylemore Abbey - Connemara Kylemore Abbey - Connemara
Author: A. De Cara
Text: Kylemore Abbey, the Monastic home of the Benedictine Nuns, now a private high standing school.
Go to big photo: Lanscape of The Burren Lanscape of The Burren
Author: A. De Cara
Text: This Irish region is remarcable for its hard conditions for the life.
  Total Pictures: 38   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 >>

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