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Photo Gallery Austria
Galería de Fotos Austria

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 Pictures of Travels in Austria: Vienna, Salztburg, Hallstatt, Graz, Melk, Klagenfurt, Tyrol, Alps...

  Total Pictures: 47   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 >>
Go to big photo: Rathaus Vienna Rathaus Vienna
Author: A. De Cara 1993
Text: With a population of about 2 million in the area, Vienna is the largest city and the cultural and political centre of Austria.
Go to big photo: View of the center of Vienna View of the center of Vienna
Author: A. De Cara 1993
Text: With a population of about 2 million in the area, Vienna is the largest city and the cultural and political centre of Austria.
Go to big photo: Boat in a Lake of Austria Boat in a Lake of Austria
Author: A. De Cara 1993
Text: .
Los bellos lagos austriacos encajonados entre montañas son un lugar magnífico para travesías en barco.
Go to big photo: Scuare - Graz Scuare - Graz
Author: A. De Cara 1993
Text: A scuare... in Graz.
Una plaza... de Graz.
Go to big photo: Commercial streets in Gratz - Graz - Austria Commercial streets in Gratz - Graz - Austria
Author: A. De Cara 1993
Text: Graz or Gratz, with a population of 300,000, is the second-largest city in Austria and the capital of the federal state of Styria.
Go to big photo: Near Stift Melk Benedictine Abbey Near Stift Melk Benedictine Abbey
Author: A. De Cara 1993
Text: Stift Melk, a Benedictine abbey, was founded in 1089 on a rock above the city of Melk. Actual barroque style dates of 1702-1736.
Go to big photo: Graz - Houses Graz - Houses
Author: A. De Cara 1993
Text: Graz has a nice historical center and it is lively student town. The University of Graz (founded 1585) is the second-largest university in Austria.
Go to big photo: Miniature City -Klagenfurt- Carinthia Miniature City -Klagenfurt- Carinthia
Author: A. De Cara 1993
Text: One of the greatest attractions in the Klagenfurt is a visit to Minimundus, the “little world on Lake Wörther See”. It features over 170 miniature models of the most famous buildings in the world built on a scale of 1:25.
  Total Pictures: 47   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 >>

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