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Shwedagon Pagoda-Yangon-Burma - Myanmar - Pagoda Shwedagon-Yangon-Myanmar

Photo Gallery Myanmar - Galería de Fotos Myanmar

 Shwedagon Pagoda-Yangon-Burma - Myanmar: The Shwedagon Pagoda is the most sacred Buddhist pagoda for the Burmese with relics of the past four Buddhas enshrined within, namely the staff of Kakusandha,the water filter of Konagamana,a piece of the robe of Kassapa and eight hairs of Gautama, the historical Buddha.
Pagoda Shwedagon-Yangon-Myanmar: La Pagoda Shwedagon es la más sagrada para los birmanos al contener las reliquias consagradas de los 4 Budas pasados,a saber, el báculo de Kakusandha,el filtro de agua de Konagamana,una pieza de la túnica de Kassapa y 8 cabellos de Gautama,el Buda histórico.

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Shwedagon Pagoda-Yangon-Burma - Myanmar - Pagoda Shwedagon-Yangon-Myanmar

Shwedagon Pagoda-Yangon-Burma - Myanmar: The Shwedagon Pagoda is the most sacred Buddhist pagoda for the Burmese with relics of the past four Buddhas enshrined within, namely the staff of Kakusandha,the water filter of Konagamana,a piece of the robe of Kassapa and eight hairs of Gautama, the historical Buddha.
Pagoda Shwedagon-Yangon-Myanmar: La Pagoda Shwedagon es la más sagrada para los birmanos al contener las reliquias consagradas de los 4 Budas pasados,a saber, el báculo de Kakusandha,el filtro de agua de Konagamana,una pieza de la túnica de Kassapa y 8 cabellos de Gautama,el Buda histórico.

Author:   Marta Leonor Vidal

Photos of Myanmar: Pictures of Travels in Myanmar, Burma: Yangoon, Mandalay, Amarapura, Popa Mount, Bagan, Inle lake, Bago, Kalaw, Phaungdawoo....

Fotos de Myanmar: Fotografias de Viajes por Myanmar, Birmania: Rangun, Mandalay, Amarapura, Monte Popa, Bagan, Lago Inle, Bago, Kalaw, Phaungdawoo, Mingun, Pindaya....

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