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Shwethalyaung Buddha-Bago-Burma - Myanmar - Buda de Shwethalyaung-Bago-Myanmar

Photo Gallery Myanmar - Galería de Fotos Myanmar

 Shwethalyaung Buddha-Bago-Burma - Myanmar: The Shwethalyaung Buddha,a reclining Buddha whith length of 55 m.,is the second largest Buddha in the world.It is believed to have been built in 994,during the reign of Mon King Migadepa.
Buda de Shwethalyaung-Bago-Myanmar: El Buda de Shwethalyaung,un Buda reclinado de 55 metros de longitud,es el segundo Buda más grande del mundo.Se cree que se construyó en 994 durante el reinado del Rey Mon Migadepa.

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Shwethalyaung Buddha-Bago-Burma - Myanmar - Buda de Shwethalyaung-Bago-Myanmar

Shwethalyaung Buddha-Bago-Burma - Myanmar: The Shwethalyaung Buddha,a reclining Buddha whith length of 55 m.,is the second largest Buddha in the world.It is believed to have been built in 994,during the reign of Mon King Migadepa.
Buda de Shwethalyaung-Bago-Myanmar: El Buda de Shwethalyaung,un Buda reclinado de 55 metros de longitud,es el segundo Buda más grande del mundo.Se cree que se construyó en 994 durante el reinado del Rey Mon Migadepa.

Author:   Marta Leonor Vidal

Photos of Myanmar: Pictures of Travels in Myanmar, Burma: Yangoon, Mandalay, Amarapura, Popa Mount, Bagan, Inle lake, Bago, Kalaw, Phaungdawoo....

Fotos de Myanmar: Fotografias de Viajes por Myanmar, Birmania: Rangun, Mandalay, Amarapura, Monte Popa, Bagan, Lago Inle, Bago, Kalaw, Phaungdawoo, Mingun, Pindaya....

  Total Photos: 62   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 >>

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