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Photo-Gallery of South Africa

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Photo Gallery South Africa
Galería de Fotos Sudafrica

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 Pictures of Travels in SudAfrica: Pretoria, Johannesburg, Cape City, Kruger Park and another natural reserves

  Total Pictures: 48   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 >>
Go to big photo: Lisbon falls - South Africa   Lisbon falls - South Africa
  Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas
  Text: One between other waterfalls, at the north of Pilgrims Rest
Go to big photo: Kruger National Park, giraffes eating thorn tree flowers  - South Africa   Kruger National Park, giraffes eating thorn tree flowers - South Africa
  Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas
  Text: Springtime is coming, and they love eating this flowers.
Go to big photo: St. Lucia, hippos at the lagoon   St. Lucia, hippos at the lagoon
  Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas
  Text: From A very large lagoon, close to the sea, full of dangerous wild life. With a very comfortable town.
Go to big photo: Some kind of pineapple, surely not eatable   Some kind of pineapple, surely not eatable
  Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas
  Text: The Most of South Africa is fill with estrange al wonderful plants, growing in very hard soils.
Go to big photo: Durban Town Hall   Durban Town Hall
  Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas
  Text: It’s heard about the Durban’s wonders. For a tourist may have interest about seeing mixed the shine of the first shore line and european buildings, and rural African cultures take to a city absolutely estrange to them.
Go to big photo: Naval Museum, with real boats on a dry site   Naval Museum, with real boats on a dry site
  Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas
  Text: Really interesting about walking through real boats site out of the water.
Go to big photo: Pietermatzburg, England on the very south - South Africa   Pietermatzburg, England on the very south - South Africa
  Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas
  Text: Brick buildings in the best Victoria and Edward style, One very nice museum, pedestrian streets with nice shops. Everything filled with coloured people, and Ghandi
Go to big photo: Pietermatzburg, shopping arcade   Pietermatzburg, shopping arcade
  Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas
  Text: Pure British style.
Puro estilo británico
  Total Pictures: 48   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 >>

If you want to Travel to Sud Africa LosViajeros is your site. You can find here, everything that you need for planning your trip to Sud Africa: Travel Forums by countries, continents and zones, Lists of Travellers, Photo Galleries, Blogs or our Weblinks...

Travel Pictures | Top 20 | Country Report | E-m@il | Links    A. De Cara 2005

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