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Photo Gallery Algeria
Galería de Fotos Argelia

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 Photos from a travel in the Saharawi refugee camps in the Argelian Sahara desert, tindouf

  Total Pictures: 19   Pag. Index 1 2 3 >>
Go to big photo: Old men playing on the sand - Tindouf - Algerie Old men playing on the sand - Tindouf - Algerie
Author: A. De Cara 2000
Text: Old Saharawi warriors. Saharauis Refugee Camps.
Go to big photo: Te ceremony in Sahara Desert- Tindouf Algeria Te ceremony in Sahara Desert- Tindouf Algeria
Author: A. De Cara 2000
Text: Tee ceremony in a Sahara desert House. Saharawi Refugee Camps - Algeria.
Go to big photo: Sunset in the oasis - Tindouf - Algeria Sunset in the oasis - Tindouf - Algeria
Author: A. De Cara 2000
Text: Sunset in tha camps. Saharawi Refugee Camps - Algeria.
Go to big photo: Sunset over jaimas of Sahara - Tindouf - Algeria Sunset over jaimas of Sahara - Tindouf - Algeria
Author: A. De Cara 2000
Text: Jaimas (traditional saharian houses. Saharawi Refugee Camps - Algeria.
Go to big photo: Red sunset in the Sahara desert - Tindouf - Argelia / Algeria Red sunset in the Sahara desert - Tindouf - Argelia / Algeria
Author: A. De Cara 2000
Text: Saharawi Refugee Camps - Algeria.
Go to big photo: Traditional Saharawi wedding - Tindouf - Argelia / Algeria Traditional Saharawi wedding - Tindouf - Argelia / Algeria
Author: A. De Cara 2000
Text: Music in a traditional Saharawi wedding - Saharawi Refugee Camps - Algeria.
Go to big photo: Music in a wedding of the Sahara Music in a wedding of the Sahara
Author: A. De Cara 2000
Text: Saharawi Refugee Camps - Algeria.
Go to big photo: Novio en boda del desierto - Tindouf - Argelia / Algeria Novio en boda del desierto - Tindouf - Argelia / Algeria
Author: A. De Cara 2000
Text: Saharawi Refugee Camps - Algeria.
  Total Pictures: 19   Pag. Index 1 2 3 >>

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