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Mokoros in Okavango Delta - Bostwana - Namibia

Photo Gallery Namibia & Bostwana - Galería de Fotos Namibia y Bostwana

 Mokoros in Okavango Delta - Bostwana - Namibia: The Okavango River does not have an outlet in the sea. It empties into a swamp in the Kalahari Desert, known as the Okavango Delta. Mokoros are traditionals boats of the Okavango Delta. It is a paradise of 6,000-square-mile maze of lagoons, channels, and islands. The river that never finds the sea.

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Mokoros in Okavango Delta - Bostwana - Namibia

Mokoros in Okavango Delta - Bostwana - Namibia: The Okavango River does not have an outlet in the sea. It empties into a swamp in the Kalahari Desert, known as the Okavango Delta. Mokoros are traditionals boats of the Okavango Delta. It is a paradise of 6,000-square-mile maze of lagoons, channels, and islands. The river that never finds the sea.

Author:   Gerardo Gomez

Pictures of Namibia and Bostwana: Pictures of Namibia, Bostwana and Victory Waterfalls in Zimbabwe. Animals in Etosha and Okavango Parks, desert of Namib y Skulls Coast, some pictures of the Himba tribe..

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If you want to Travel to Namibia LosViajeros is your site. You can find here, everything that you need for planning your trip to Namibia: Travel Forums by countries, continents and zones, Lists of Travellers, Photo Galleries, Blogs or our Weblinks...

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