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Photo Gallery Mali
Galería de Fotos Mali

Pag. 1 of 4

 Photos of a Trip in Mali: Bamako, river Niger, Djene, Mopti, Shanga, Dogon Country, Bandiagara escarpment, Segou, Tombuctu
Fotos de un Viaje por Mali: Bamako, Niger river, Djene, Mopti, Shanga, Pais Dogon, Falla de Bandiagara, Segou, Timbuktu, Tombuctu,

  Total Photos: 25   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 >>
Ir a Foto: Atardecer en el rio Niger - Mali. 
Go to Photo: Sunset in the Niger river - Segou - Mali Atardecer en el rio Niger - Mali.
Sunset in the Niger river - Segou - Mali

Author: A. De Cara 1996
Text: Atardecer en el rio Niger - Mali.
  Sunset in the Niger river - Mali.
Ir a Foto: Atardecer en el rio Niger - Segou -Mali 
Go to Photo: Sunset in the Niger river - Segou - Mali Atardecer en el rio Niger - Segou -Mali
Sunset in the Niger river - Segou - Mali

Author: A. De Cara 1996
Text: Atardecer en el rio Niger - Mali.
  Sunset in the Niger river - Mali.
Ir a Foto: Peul's Tribe Village near of Djene - Mali 
Go to Photo: Peul's Tribe Village near of Djene - Mali Peul's Tribe Village near of Djene - Mali
Peul's Tribe Village near of Djene - Mali

Author: A. De Cara 1996
Text: Poblado de la tribu Peul cerca de Djene - Mali.
  Traditonal mud village around Djene - Mali.
Ir a Foto: Arquitectura tradicional de barro en el Sahel - Dejene - Mali. 
Go to Photo: Traditional Sahelian architecture of Mud - window - Djene - Mali Arquitectura tradicional de barro en el Sahel - Dejene - Mali.
Traditional Sahelian architecture of Mud - window - Djene - Mali

Author: A. De Cara 1996
Text: Arquitectura tradicional de barro en el Sahel - Dejene - Mali.
Ir a Foto: Arquitectura tradicional de barro en el Sahel - Djene - Mali 
Go to Photo: Traditional Sahelian architecture of Mud - window - Djene - Mali Arquitectura tradicional de barro en el Sahel - Djene - Mali
Traditional Sahelian architecture of Mud - window - Djene - Mali

Author: A. De Cara 1996
Text: Arquitectura tradicional de barro en el Sahel - Mali.
  Traditional Sahelian architecture of Mud - Mali.
Ir a Foto: Gran Mezquita de Djene - Mali 
Go to Photo: Great Mosquee of Djene - Mali Gran Mezquita de Djene - Mali
Great Mosquee of Djene - Mali

Author: A. De Cara 1996
Text: Vista Lateral de la antigua mezquita - Mali.
  Traditional Sahelian architecture of Mud - Mali.
Ir a Foto: Crossing Bani river - Djene - Mali 
Go to Photo: Crossing Bani river - Djene - Mali Crossing Bani river - Djene - Mali
Crossing Bani river - Djene - Mali

Author: A. De Cara 1996
Text: Para llegar a Djene es necesario cruzar el rio Bani. Mali.
  For arriving to Djene it's necesarry crossing Bani river - Mali.
Ir a Foto: Tejados de ciudad tradicional de barro del sahel - Djene - Mali 
Go to Photo: The Muslim holly city of Djene - Mali. Tejados de ciudad tradicional de barro del sahel - Djene - Mali
The Muslim holly city of Djene - Mali.

Author: A. De Cara 1996
Text: Tejados de la ciudad de barro (ciudad santa del Islam) - Mali.
  The Muslim holly city of Djene - Mali.
  Total Photos: 25   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 >>

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