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Photo Gallery Ivory Coast
Galería de Fotos Costa de Marfil

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 Photo Gallery of Ivory Coast - Cote de Ivoire: Abidjan, Yamoussoukro, Korhogo, Sassandra, San Pedro, Abijan, Niofouin, Le Plateau, Senoufo

  Total Pictures: 25   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 >>
Go to big photo: Village - Niofouin - near Korhogo - Ivory Coast / Cote d'Ivoire Village - Niofouin - near Korhogo - Ivory Coast / Cote d'Ivoire
Author: Ton Goedhart 1972
Text: Normal life in a Senoufo village next to Khorogo in 1972.
Go to big photo: Blacksmith - Koni - Korhogo - Ivory Coast / Cote d'Ivoire Blacksmith - Koni - Korhogo - Ivory Coast / Cote d'Ivoire
Author: A. De Cara 1996
Text: The famouses Senoufo artisans.
Go to big photo: Landscape of Korhogo - Ivory Coast / Cote d'Ivoire Landscape of Korhogo - Ivory Coast / Cote d'Ivoire
Author: A. De Cara 1996
Text: View of Korhogo.
Vistas desde la mezquita central.
Go to big photo: Typical houses of senoufo - Korhogo - Ivory Coast / Cote d'Ivoire Typical houses of senoufo - Korhogo - Ivory Coast / Cote d'Ivoire
Author: A. De Cara 1996
Text: Senoufo tipical houses.
Casas circulares y graneros senufos.
Go to big photo: Senoufo Artisans - Koni - Korhogo - Ivory Coast / Cote d'Ivoire Senoufo Artisans - Koni - Korhogo - Ivory Coast / Cote d'Ivoire
Author: A. De Cara 1996
Text: Handicraft.
Go to big photo: Bridge Charles De Gaulle from Treichville - Abidjan - Ivory Coast / Cote d'Ivoire Bridge Charles De Gaulle from Treichville - Abidjan - Ivory Coast / Cote d'Ivoire
Author: A. De Cara 1996
Text: Treichville is not the most safe District of Abidjan.
Go to big photo: Le Plateau from Cocody - Ivoire Hotel - Abidjan - Costa de Marfil / Ivory Coast / Cote d'Ivoire Le Plateau from Cocody - Ivoire Hotel - Abidjan - Costa de Marfil / Ivory Coast / Cote d'Ivoire
Author: A. De Cara 1996
Text: View of Le plateau from the mitic Ivory Hotel.
Go to big photo: Muelle de San Pedro - Costa de Marfil / Ivory Coast / Cote d'Ivoire Muelle de San Pedro - Costa de Marfil / Ivory Coast / Cote d'Ivoire
Author: A. De Cara 1996
Text: San Pedro's Port.
Muelle del puerto de la ciudad marfileña de San Pedro.
  Total Pictures: 25   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 >>

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