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Photo Gallery Libya
Galería de Fotos Libia

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 Pictures of Travels in Libya: Tripoli, Ghadames, Nalut, Frezzan, Ghat, Leptis, Akakus, Sahara Desert, Tuareg...

  Total Pictures: 65   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >>
Go to big photo: Ghat, more than 600 km south of Ghadames. Italian Castle. Ghat, more than 600 km south of Ghadames. Italian Castle.
Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas
Text: Site very close to the Algerian border, and near Niger, the city of Ghat, still has this half abandoned castle, built in times of the Italian colonialism.
Go to big photo: Ghat, Castle view of the old town Ghat, Castle view of the old town
Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas
Text: South-west of the castle, and before de new town, stand this half abandoned, half fainted old town.
Go to big photo: Ghat, castle walls and tower Ghat, castle walls and tower
Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas
Text: A very estrange castle, long in its north to south walls, but extremely narrow. It is practically abandoned.
Go to big photo: Ghat, a walk thru the old town. One Mosque Ghat, a walk thru the old town. One Mosque
Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas
Text: Thru narrow alleys with white mud brick walls, we reached to this Mosque. Closed and spoilt, but still in use..
Go to big photo: Ghat, south gate to the Madinah, or old town Ghat, south gate to the Madinah, or old town
Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas
Text: Interior side of the main gate of the old town, whit it´s light sand alleys, and shops for tourists.
Go to big photo: Akakus, one of the very few plants, that can be found  there Akakus, one of the very few plants, that can be found there
Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas
Text: One of the very few plants able to resist the terrible climate conditions existing there. Able even to crash enormous stones.
Go to big photo: Akakus, another GOD´S FINGER Akakus, another GOD´S FINGER
Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas
Text: One stone mountain at it´s end, carved by heath, cold, and wind, into this monolith in unstable balance.
Go to big photo: Akakus, over de dunes edge, to admire the panorama Akakus, over de dunes edge, to admire the panorama
Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas
Text: It is hard ti climb thur de light sand dunes, but the view of the black rocks that still survive, worth.
  Total Pictures: 65   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >>

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