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Old Pictures of Egypt: Cairo, Kings Valley, Alexandria, Pyramids, Guizeh, Abu Simbel, Elephantina
Total Pictures: 72 | Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >> |  |
Pyramids of Hawara Author: M2ra Text: Located in the zone of the Fayum, they were construídas in the Average Empire. Here is the famous “labyrinth” described by Heródoto
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Pyramids of Saqqarah Author: M2ra Text: Plane created by Mariette with the discoveries realised until the 1881
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The Rameseum Author: M2ra Text: Osiride columns in the Rameseum, temple of Rameses II
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Step pyramid in Sakkarah Author: M2ra Text: Created by brilliant Imhotep architect for Djeser Pharaoh (Zoser) it is the first pyramid formed by “five” superposed steps
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Temple of Denderah Author: M2ra Text: Ptolemaic temple and where was now the Zodiac of Denderah in Paris (France), dedicated to the Hathor goddess
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Outside of the temple of Edfou Author: M2ra Text: Of the Ptolemaic period and dedicated to the God hawk Horus
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The Great Temple of Abu Simbel Author: M2ra Text: Main Temple of Abu Simbel that made construct Rameses II for its glory and its favorite wife, Nefertari
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Profile in Abu Simbel Author: M2ra Text: Profile of the main temple of Rameses II in Abu Simbel. The statues that portray Rameses II measure sixty-five feet
| Total Pictures: 72 | Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >> |
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Travel Pictures | Top 20
| Country Report | E-m@il | Links