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Omayyad Mosque-The Eagle Dome-Damascus - Syria

Photo Gallery Syria - Galería de Fotos Siria

 Omayyad Mosque-The Eagle Dome-Damascus - Syria: The Dome of the Eagle (Qubbat Al-Nisr) is considered one of the architectural highlights of the Omayyad Mosque. The architect who built it imagined the dome as the head of an eagle, the transept as its body and the aisles at its right and left as its outspread wings.

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Omayyad Mosque-The Eagle Dome-Damascus - Syria

Omayyad Mosque-The Eagle Dome-Damascus - Syria: The Dome of the Eagle (Qubbat Al-Nisr) is considered one of the architectural highlights of the Omayyad Mosque. The architect who built it imagined the dome as the head of an eagle, the transept as its body and the aisles at its right and left as its outspread wings.

Author:   Marta Leonor Vidal

Photos of Syria: Pictures of Travels in Syria: Damascus, Aleppo, Palmyra, Krak_des_Chevaliers, Apamea.

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