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Photo Gallery Iran
Galería de Fotos Iran

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 Pictures of Iran: Tehran, Persepolis, Shiraz, Isfahan, Kashan, Kandovan, Kurdistan

  Total Pictures: 51   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 >>
Go to big photo: Shiraz-Jameh ye Atigh Mosque-Iran Shiraz-Jameh ye Atigh Mosque-Iran
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
Text: Ancient mosque built in 894 AD.It has a rare turreted rectangular building in the centre of the courtyard,"Kodakhune"("House of God"),from the mid-14th century used to preserve Qurans and modelled on the Kaaba at Mecca.
Go to big photo: Mullah-Shiraz-Irán Mullah-Shiraz-Irán
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
Text: A mullah in Madraseh-ye Khan(teological college).The mullah is a Shiite clergy,an scholar of Islamic Law.Those descending from Muhammad family ("Seyyed")wear a black turban;the rest wear white turban.
Go to big photo: Tabriz-Jameh Mosque-Iran Tabriz-Jameh Mosque-Iran
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
Text: Tabriz was the capital of Azarbaijan in the 3d century AD.During Safavid dinasty in the 16th century it became the capital of Iran.The Jameh Mosque is inside the laberinthine bazaar with 35 km passages.
Go to big photo: Tehran-National Museum-Iran Tehran-National Museum-Iran
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
Text: The National Museum has an excellent collection of finds from Sush and Persepolis including ceramics, pottery, stone figures and carvings.
Go to big photo: Tehran-Azadi Monument-Iran Tehran-Azadi Monument-Iran
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
Text: This inverted Y-shaped monument was built in 1971 to commemorate the 2500th aniversary of the Persian Empire.
Go to big photo: Takht e Soleyman-Iran Takht e Soleyman-Iran
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
Text: Zoroastrian Fire Temple in Azargoshnab,the spiritual centre of Zoroastrianism in the 3rd century B.C.The site has no link to King Salomon.The name was an invention by its guardians to deter Arab invadors from its destruction.
Go to big photo: Holy Shrine of Imam Khomeini-Iran Holy Shrine of Imam Khomeini-Iran
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
Text: The Shrine of the leader of Islamic Revolution is between Tehran and Qom.The built is quite ugly, like a big warehouse.
Go to big photo: Necropolis Naqsh e Rostam-Iran Necropolis Naqsh e Rostam-Iran
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
Text: This necropolis shelters the tombs of the main Achaemenian Sovereigns(Cyrus is buried in solitude at Pasargadae):Xerxes,Darius the Great(the largest tomb),Artaxerxes I and Darius II.
  Total Pictures: 51   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 >>

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