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Photo Gallery Myanmar - Burma
Galería de Fotos Myanmar - Birmania

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 Photos of some Travellers in Myanmar - Burma: Yangon, Bagan, Mandalay, Inle Lake, Mt. Popa...

  Total Pictures: 50   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 >>
Go to big photo: Fruit seller smoking - Myanmar Fruit seller smoking - Myanmar
Author: C. Diaz Huertas
Text: Fruit seller smoking at the Heho´s market .
Go to big photo: People in Mandalay-Bagan Ferry People in Mandalay-Bagan Ferry
Author: C. Diaz Huertas
Text: Travellers at Mandalay-Bagan`s ferry.
Go to big photo: U Bein Bridge- Amarapura U Bein Bridge- Amarapura
Author: C. Diaz Huertas
Text: Normal life in U Bein's teakwood bridge.
Go to big photo: Screw street shop at Mandalay Screw street shop at Mandalay
Author: C. Diaz Huertas
Text: Screw street shop at Mandalay.
Go to big photo: Ceremony of Buddhist Monks - Amarapura - Myanmar Ceremony of Buddhist Monks - Amarapura - Myanmar
Author: Nuria H. G.
Text: Long .
Largas filas de monjes mendigando su sustento diario en Amarapura.
Go to big photo: Thanboddhay monastery near Monywa - Myanmar Thanboddhay monastery near Monywa - Myanmar
Author: Nuria H. G.
Text: Thanboddhay monastery near Monywa.
Go to big photo: Colourful Inle's market - Myanmar Colourful Inle's market - Myanmar
Author: Nuria H. G.
Text: Long .
La zona del lago inle es una de las mas interesantes por sus mercados coloristas.
Go to big photo: Young Monk - Amarapura - Myanmar Young Monk - Amarapura - Myanmar
Author: Nuria H. G.
Text: Young Monk in a monastery of Yokeson.
  Total Pictures: 50   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 >>

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