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Photo Gallery Bulgaria
Galería de Fotos Bulgaria

Pag. 1 of 8

 Pictures of Travels in Bulgaria: Sofia, Varna, Rila, Shipka, Veliko Tarnovo, Ivanovo, Nassebar...
Fotografias de Viajes por Bulgaria: Sofia, Varna, Rila, Shipka, Veliko Tarnovo, Ivanovo, Nassebar...

  Total Photos: 61   Pag. Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 >>
Ir a Foto: Basílica de Alexander Nevsky, en Sofia 
Go to Photo: Church of Alexander Nevsky, in Sofia Basílica de Alexander Nevsky, en Sofia
Church of Alexander Nevsky, in Sofia

Author: Isa - Popu79
Text: Data de los siglos VI- VII, aunque ha sufrido diversas reconstrucciones. Es la catedral de la ciudad
  It was built in the VI-VII centuries, although it has undergone several reconstructions. It is the cathedral of the city
Ir a Foto: Fortaleza con torres y muros defensivos construida en la roca  de Assen 
Go to Photo: Fortress with towers and defensive walls built in the rock of Assen Fortaleza con torres y muros defensivos construida en la roca de Assen
Fortress with towers and defensive walls built in the rock of Assen

Author: Isa - Popu79
Text: Esta fortaleza data de los siglos XI- XII d.C. Fue construida durante el reinado de Ivan Assen II, uno de los mejores reyes de Bulgaria. Actualmente solo podemos ver las ruinas de la fortaleza, y una iglesia medieval parcialmente restaurada
  Assens's Fortress dates back to the XI –XII centuries a.D. It was built during the reign of Tsar Ivan Assen II, one of the greatest Bulgarian kings. There are just some ruins left of it now, and the medieval church, which was partially restored
Ir a Foto: Detalles de las pinturas que adornan el interior de la catedral de Varna 
Go to Photo: Details of the paintings that adorn the interior of the cathedral of Varna Detalles de las pinturas que adornan el interior de la catedral de Varna
Details of the paintings that adorn the interior of the cathedral of Varna

Author: Isa - Popu79
Text: El interior de la catedral está cubierto de pinturas de temática religiosa
  The interior of the cathedral is covered with paintings of religious themes
Ir a Foto: Detalles de los frescos que adornan el monasterio de Rila 
Go to Photo: Details of  pictures that adorn the monastery of Rila Detalles de los frescos que adornan el monasterio de Rila
Details of pictures that adorn the monastery of Rila

Author: Isa - Popu79
Text: Todo el monasterio está recubierto de pinturas religiosas
  All the monastery is covered with religious paintings
Ir a Foto: Tumba tracia del siglo IV a.C, perteneciente a Seuthus III 
Go to Photo: Thracian tomb of the fourth century b.C. It belong to Seuthus III Tumba tracia del siglo IV a.C, perteneciente a Seuthus III
Thracian tomb of the fourth century b.C. It belong to Seuthus III

Author: Isa - Popu79
Text: Destaca las puertas de mármol con cabezas de medusas talladas, que dan acceso a la cámara
  We can see two doors marble carved with the heads of Medusa, which provide the access to the camera
Ir a Foto: Iglesia del Patriarca, en Veliko Tarnovo 
Go to Photo: Church of the Patriarch  in Veliko Tarnovo Iglesia del Patriarca, en Veliko Tarnovo
Church of the Patriarch in Veliko Tarnovo

Author: Isa - Popu79
Text: Fue construida en 1235, y estaba dedicada a la Santa Sabiduría
  It was built in 1235 and it was dedicated to the Holy Wisdom
Ir a Foto: Detalles de la cúpula  de la tumba tracia de Kazanlak 
Go to Photo: Details of the dome of the thracian tomb of Kazanlak Detalles de la cúpula de la tumba tracia de Kazanlak
Details of the dome of the thracian tomb of Kazanlak

Author: Isa - Popu79
Text: Interior de la tumba tracia de Kazanlak
  Interior of the thracian tomb of Kazanlak.
Ir a Foto: Paisaje de Bulgaria 
Go to Photo: Landscape of Bulgaria Paisaje de Bulgaria
Landscape of Bulgaria

Author: Isa - Popu79
Text: Bulgaria posee tres parques naturales : el Parque Nacional Central de los Balcanes, el Parque Nacional Rila y el Parque Nacional del Pirin
  Bulgaria has three national parks: the National Park of the Central Balkan, the National Park of Rila and the Pirin National Park
  Total Photos: 61   Pag. Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 >>

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