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Photo Gallery Uzbekistan
Galería de Fotos Uzbekistan

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 Pictures of a trip in Uzbekistan in Central Asia: Samarkanda, Bhukara, Khiva, Tashkent...

  Total Pictures: 39   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 >>
Go to big photo: Nadir Divan-Begui Madrassah -Bukhara- Uzbekistan Nadir Divan-Begui Madrassah -Bukhara- Uzbekistan
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
Text: Located in Liabi-Khauz square. Façade covered with glazed tiles, representing two birds flying and a sun (1622).
Go to big photo: Maggoki Attori Mosque -Bukhara- Uzbekistan Maggoki Attori Mosque -Bukhara- Uzbekistan
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
Text: Transformed nowadays into a carpet and tapestry museum.
Go to big photo: Kalian Minaret- Bukhara- Uzbekistan Kalian Minaret- Bukhara- Uzbekistan
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
Text: Built in 1127 (46 mtrs) in Pai-Minar Complex.
Go to big photo: Uzbek farmers -Bukara- Uzbekistan Uzbek farmers -Bukara- Uzbekistan
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
Text: Uzbek farmers in an agricultural competition (of melons) in Bukhara.
Go to big photo: Mausoleum of Samanids -Bukhara- Uzbekistan Mausoleum of Samanids -Bukhara- Uzbekistan
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
Text: (9th century -10th century) Central Park of Bukhara. Ismail Samani, the head of the dynasty, commissioned the construction of the mausoleum.
Go to big photo: Bukara - Uzbekistan Bukara - Uzbekistan
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
Text: In the 6th century it became the capital of early feudal lands of the Bukhara oasis. Avicena, the famous physician and philosopher, was born in Bukhara.
Go to big photo: Miri Arab -Bukhara- Uzbekistan Miri Arab -Bukhara- Uzbekistan
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
Text: In Pai-Minar Complex (1st half of 16th century). It was built in the Ybaidulli Khan era, between 1530 and 1536.
Go to big photo: Folk Dances- Bukhara- Uzbekistan Folk Dances- Bukhara- Uzbekistan
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
Text: The traditional dances and costumes of Uzbekistan reflect influences from Middle East, Cossack, Indian and Chinese cultures.
  Total Pictures: 39   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 >>

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