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Galería de Fotos Siria

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 Pictures of Travels in Syria: Damascus, Aleppo, Palmyra, Krak_des_Chevaliers, Apamea

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Go to big photo: Beit Aqqad-Damascus - Syria Beit Aqqad-Damascus - Syria
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
Text: Beit Aqqad, one of the ancient damascene houses and the most impressive, is occupied by the Danish Institute since 1996. It was owned by Aqqad family, rich textile merchants, in 19th century.
Go to big photo: Beit Aqqad-Damascus - Syria Beit Aqqad-Damascus - Syria
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
Text: Beit Aqqad, thanks to an agreement between Danish and Syrian governments, it has been restored. It is small but just as fine: it is like walking into a jewel box of marble and mosaic.
Go to big photo: Beit Aqqad-Damascus - Syria Beit Aqqad-Damascus - Syria
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
Text: Beit Aqqad is small but just as fine: it is like walking into a jewel box of marble and mosaic.Detail of the winter Qa'a.
Go to big photo: Beit Nizam-Damascus - Syria Beit Nizam-Damascus - Syria
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
Text: Beit Nizam, one of the ancient damascene houses and one of the largest, is a luxurious 18th century house, built around two large courtyards with orange trees and rosebushes. It housed the French Consulate in the middle of 19th century.
Go to big photo: Beit Nizam-Damascus - Syria Beit Nizam-Damascus - Syria
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
Text: Beit Nizam, one of the ancient damascene houses and one of the largest, is a luxurious 18th century house, built around two large courtyards with orange trees and rosebushes. It housed the French Consulate in the middle of 19th century.
Go to big photo: Beit Nizam-Damascus - Syria Beit Nizam-Damascus - Syria
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
Text: Beit Nizam, one of the ancient damascene houses and one of the largest, is a luxurious 18th century house, built around two large courtyards with orange trees and rosebushes. It housed the French Consulate in the middle of 19th century.
Go to big photo: Beit as-Sibai-Damascus - Syria Beit as-Sibai-Damascus - Syria
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
Text: Beit as-Sibai, one of the ancient damascene houses, is small and very cosy, and it housed the residence of German Ambassador in the 90th s. Nowadays it is unoccupied and it is used from time to time as a TV set for historical dramas and official receptions.
Go to big photo: Beit Jabri Cafe-Damascus - Syria Beit Jabri Cafe-Damascus - Syria
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
Text: Beit Jabri was built in 1737. His owner was Mohammad Talaat, father of Syrian poet Shafiq Jabri, between 1905-1973. Nowadays it has been transformed into a Café. Its beautiful courtyard seems almost always to be full of young Damascenes, sometimes enjoying a narguile.There is an internet cafe.
  Total Pictures: 51   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 >>

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