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Photo Gallery Lebanon
Galería de Fotos Libano

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 Pictures of Trips in Lebanon: Baalbeek, Anjar, Byblos, Sidon, Tyre

  Total Pictures: 17   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 >>
Go to big photo: Roman Baths, Beirut Roman Baths, Beirut
Author: C.Gancedo
Text: on the bottom left side of the Parliamen; discovered during the bombing in the civil war.
Go to big photo: Jesuit Church Beirut Jesuit Church Beirut
Author: CGancedo
Text: completely rebuiltafter the civil war, it is across the street on the left of the Parliament.
Go to big photo: Beirut street Beirut street
Author: C.Gancedo
Text: street that separates Parliament and Jesuit church; in a completely rebuilt area you can see-far end-a building with the marks of civil war.
Go to big photo: St.John Church St.John Church
Author: C.Gancedo
Text: Built by the crusaders in the XIIc; main door detail.
Go to big photo: Biblos Biblos
Author: C.Gancedo
Text: view of the roman remains to the old harbour.
Go to big photo: Biblos-beach views Biblos-beach views
Author: C.Gancedo
Text: from the cruisader citadel, going south, you can see new cedars amongst the ruins and one of the beaches-generally private ones.
Go to big photo: Cruisaders Citadel in Biblos Cruisaders Citadel in Biblos
Author: C.Gancedo
Text: seen from the harbour, the cruisaders citadel still keeps its rough fighting shape.
Go to big photo: Cruisader Castle Cruisader Castle
Author: C.Gancedo
Text: from the main road from Beirut to Biblos you can see this cruisader castle, in the mouth of river Kalb-dog.
  Total Pictures: 17   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 >>

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