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| The Alabaster Sphinx-Memphis-Egypt - Esfinge de alabastro-Memfis-Egipto |
The Alabaster Sphinx-Memphis-Egypt: The Alabaster Sphinx was carved in honor of an unknown Pharaoh most likely during the eighteenth dynasty, between 1700 and 1400 BC. The facial features suggest that it was in honor of Hatshepsut or Amenhotep II or Amenhotep III. Esfinge de alabastro-Memfis-Egipto: La Esfinge de alabastro fue esculpida en honor a un Faraón desconocido durante la XVIII Dinastía, entre 1700 y 1400 a.d.C. Los rasgos faciales apuntan a Hatshepsut, Amenhotep II o Amenhotep III.
| Total Photos: 91 | Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 >> |
<< Prev. Photo : Gallery of Cairo / Galeria de El Cairo : Photo Next >>
The Alabaster Sphinx-Memphis-Egypt: The Alabaster Sphinx was carved in honor of an unknown Pharaoh most likely during the eighteenth dynasty, between 1700 and 1400 BC. The facial features suggest that it was in honor of Hatshepsut or Amenhotep II or Amenhotep III. Esfinge de alabastro-Memfis-Egipto: La Esfinge de alabastro fue esculpida en honor a un Faraón desconocido durante la XVIII Dinastía, entre 1700 y 1400 a.d.C. Los rasgos faciales apuntan a Hatshepsut, Amenhotep II o Amenhotep III.
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
| Photos of Cairo - Egypt: Pictures of Cairo - Egypt: Pyramids, Mosques, Palaces, Museums. Pyrmids of Khefren, Keops, Great Sphinx, Saqqarah....
Fotos del Cairo - Egipto: Fotografias de El Cairo - Egipto: Piramides, Mezquitas, Palacios, Museos. Piramide de Keops, Giza, Kefren, Saqqara..
| Total Photos: 91 | Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 >> |
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