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Country Report
Republica Checa: Praga. Información General y Guía.: Al doblar cualquier esquina de Praga te encuentras un escenario romántico o vibrante y es eso lo que la hace tan atrayente de día como de noche. Aburrirse en una ciudad como Praga debería ser delito, pues la oferta cultural, el ambiente y la particular idiosincrasia de sus ciudadanos, dejan poco res...
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Galería de Fotos de Praga - Photo Gallery of Prague

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 Photos of a Trip in Czech Republic: Prague, Castle of Prague, Cathedral, Karl Bridge...

  Total Pictures: 29   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4
Go to big photo: Uniform of Gard in the President Palace - Prague - Czech Republic   Uniform of Gard in the President Palace - Prague - Czech Republic
  Author: A.Decara
  Text: .
Uniforme de soldado de la guardia en el Palacio Presidencial.
Go to big photo: Chague of Guards - Prague - Czech Republic   Chague of Guards - Prague - Czech Republic
  Author: A.Decara
  Text: Tha gards in the presidential palace.
Go to big photo: Detail of the main door of the Old-New Sinagogue - Prague   Detail of the main door of the Old-New Sinagogue - Prague
  Author: David - Brucelee2000
  Text: The historical symbol of the jewish of Prague. It refers to the historical symbols of the Jewish people of Prague: the Star of David, a picture of the hat, which the Jewish people should wear in the XIV century, is drawn inside it.
Go to big photo: Inside the Old-New synagogue - Prague   Inside the Old-New synagogue - Prague
  Author: David - Brucelee2000
  Text: Two big octogonal pillars support the vaults of five nerves. The rabbi Löw Seat, the chest, the platform and the lectern, as the jewish banner, complete the inside of this old Synagogue.
Go to big photo: View of Prague   View of Prague
  Author: David - Brucelee2000
  Text: View of the roof.
Vista de las cupulas de la ciudad.
  Total Pictures: 29   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4

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