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Photo Gallery Philippines
Galería de Fotos Filipinas

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 Pictures of Travels in Philippines: Manila, Palawan, Cebu, Puerto Princesa, Banaue, Bohol, Panagsama

  Total Pictures: 45   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 >>
Go to big photo: Baguio Baguio
Author: Chin
Text: Baguio’s mountains
Baguio, ciudad de montañas y parques
Go to big photo: Jeepneys Jeepneys
Author: Chin
Text: The jeepneys are the transport in the town and inter. citys
Go to big photo: Tit_Eng Tit_Eng
Author: Chin
Text: Rice terraces, Banaue
Terrazas de arroa en Banaue
Go to big photo: Ifugao houses Ifugao houses
Author: Chin
Text: Ifugao houses
Casas de la etnia ifugao
Go to big photo: Rice terraces in Banaue Rice terraces in Banaue
Author: Chin
Text: Rice terraces in Banaue
Terrazas de arroz en Banaue
Go to big photo: Ifugao houses Ifugao houses
Author: Chin
Text: Ifugao houses
Casas de la etnia Ifugao
Go to big photo: Detail ifugao housse Detail ifugao housse
Author: Chin
Text: Ifugao house’s detail
Detalle de la parte baja de una casa de la etnia ifugao
Go to big photo: Ifugao craft work Ifugao craft work
Author: Chin
Text: Ifugao totems
Totems artesanos tipicos de la etnia ifugao en Banaue
  Total Pictures: 45   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 >>

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