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Old-New Synagogue - Prague - Czech Republic - Sinagoga Vieja-Nueva - Praga - Checa Rep.

Photo Gallery Prague - Galería de Fotos Praga

 Old-New Synagogue - Prague - Czech Republic: Built from 1270 onwards, it is the oldest synagogue of Europe and one of the first gothic buildings in Prague. Throughout history, it has often sheltered the Jewish people of Prague. In its origin, it was called New, until the construction of a newer building next to it, which was eventually destroyed.
Sinagoga Vieja-Nueva - Praga - Checa Rep.: Construida hacia 1270, es la sinagoga más antigua de Europa y uno de los primeros edificios goticos de Praga. Durante la historia, ha dado cobijo a menudo a los judíos de Praga. En su origen se llamó Nueva, hasta que se construyó otra al lado, que acabo siendo destruida.

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Sinagoga Vieja-Nueva - Praga - Checa Rep.  Photo  Next >>
Old-New Synagogue - Prague - Czech Republic - Sinagoga Vieja-Nueva - Praga - Checa Rep.

Old-New Synagogue - Prague - Czech Republic: Built from 1270 onwards, it is the oldest synagogue of Europe and one of the first gothic buildings in Prague. Throughout history, it has often sheltered the Jewish people of Prague. In its origin, it was called New, until the construction of a newer building next to it, which was eventually destroyed.
Sinagoga Vieja-Nueva - Praga - Checa Rep.: Construida hacia 1270, es la sinagoga más antigua de Europa y uno de los primeros edificios goticos de Praga. Durante la historia, ha dado cobijo a menudo a los judíos de Praga. En su origen se llamó Nueva, hasta que se construyó otra al lado, que acabo siendo destruida.

Author:   David - Brucelee2000

Photo Gallery of Prague & Czech Republic: Photos of a Trip in Czech Republic: Prague, Castle of Prague, Cathedral, Karl Bridge....

Galeria de Fotos de Praga y la Republica Checa: Fotos de Praga y de la Republica Checa: Praga, Castillo de Praga, Catedral, Reloj Astronomico, Puente de Carlos....

  Total Photos: 29   Pag. Index 1 2 3 4 >>

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