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Country Report
Portugal: Guia Practica e Informacion General: Portugal es uno de los destinos fascinantes de Europa: extraordinario arquitectónico, excelente gastronomía, magníficas playas, melancólicos pueblos y puertos marineros. Durante los últimos los últimos veinte años ha intentado avanzar desde una economía atrasada, situada en la periferia de los centr ...
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Photo Gallery Portugal
Galería de Fotos Portugal

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 Photos of a Trip in Portugal: Lisbon, Porto, Aveiro, Coimbra, Braga, Bragaça, Sintra, Evora, Buçaco, Alcobaça, Batalha...

  Total Pictures: 37   Pag. Index 1 2 3 4 5 >>
Go to big photo: Commerce Square-Lisbon   Commerce Square-Lisbon
  Author: VERA
  Text: It was the location of the Royal Ribeira Palace until it was destroyed by the great Lisbon Earthquake.
Go to big photo: Monument to the discoveries-Lisbon   Monument to the discoveries-Lisbon
  Author: VERA
  Text: With 52 meters of height, is a monument that celebrates the Portuguese who toak part in the Age of Discovery.
Go to big photo: Belem tower-Lisbon   Belem tower-Lisbon
  Author: VERA
  Text: Belem Tower is a samall fortress for controlling the entry to Lisbon Estuary.
Go to big photo: Rossio square-Lisbon   Rossio square-Lisbon
  Author: VERA
  Text: It has been the neuralgic center of Lisbon for several centuries, where they have taken place judgments, spectacles,…
Go to big photo: The City of Porto, the Douro river & boats with wine   The City of Porto, the Douro river & boats with wine
  Author: A. De Cara
  Text: Porto or Oporto is a trading centre at the mouth of the Rio Douro it is the second largest city after Lisbon. The political, tradding & religiouse importance of this town left beautifuls buildings & a unique atmosphere, knowed not only for its wines.
Go to big photo: Palace-castle of Buçaco   Palace-castle of Buçaco
  Author: A. De Cara
  Text: Buçaco has marvelous gardens, a castle(luxury hotel) & a unique park.
Go to big photo: Port of Aveiro   Port of Aveiro
  Author: A. De Cara
  Text: Aveiro is a important fishing harbour of Portugal. The harbour colorful district & channels have a charming atmosphera.
Go to big photo: Alcobaça - Portugal   Alcobaça - Portugal
  Author: A. De Cara
  Text: In 1147 the King, Dom Afonso Henriques, defeated the Moors by capturing the town of Santarém. As a memory to this splendid victory he vowed to build a magnificent Abbey for the Order of Cistercians.
  Total Pictures: 37   Pag. Index 1 2 3 4 5 >>

If you want to Travel to Portugal LosViajeros is your site. You can find here, everything that you need for planning your trip to Portugal: Travel Forums by countries, continents and zones, Lists of Travellers, Photo Galleries, Blogs or our Weblinks...

Travel Pictures | Top 20 | Country Report | E-m@il | Links    A. De Cara 2005

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