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Museum of Fine Arts -Budapest- Hungary - Museo de Bellas Artes -Budapest- Hungría - Hungria

Photo Gallery Hungary - Galería de Fotos Hungria

 Museum of Fine Arts -Budapest- Hungary: The Museum is located in a building of 1906 an it has more than 100,000 artefacts. These are some interesting collections: the Ancient Egyptian, the Antiquities, the Old Picture Gallery, the Old Sculpture, the Modern Department and Prints and Drawings.
Museo de Bellas Artes -Budapest- Hungría - Hungria: Este museo esta alojado en un edificio de 1906 y alberga interesantes colecciones de pintura, escultura, Egipto, etc.

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Museum of Fine Arts -Budapest- Hungary - Museo de Bellas Artes -Budapest- Hungría - Hungria

Museum of Fine Arts -Budapest- Hungary: The Museum is located in a building of 1906 an it has more than 100,000 artefacts. These are some interesting collections: the Ancient Egyptian, the Antiquities, the Old Picture Gallery, the Old Sculpture, the Modern Department and Prints and Drawings.
Museo de Bellas Artes -Budapest- Hungría - Hungria: Este museo esta alojado en un edificio de 1906 y alberga interesantes colecciones de pintura, escultura, Egipto, etc.

Author:   N. Quiros

Photos of Hungary: Pictures of Hungary: Budapest, Buda District, Pest, Danube River, brigges.. Esztergom Cathedral, Lake Balaton.

Fotos de Hungria: Galería de Fotos de Hungria: Budapest, puentes, el rio Danubio, Lago Balaton, Catedral de Esztergom.

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