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Temple of Poseidon - Sounion's Cape - Greece - Templo de Poseidon - cabo Sounion - Grecia

Photo Gallery Greece - Galería de Fotos Grecia

 Temple of Poseidon - Sounion's Cape - Greece: Temple of Poseidon was started in 6th century B.C., but the architectural form remained unpretentious until the beginning of the 5th century B.C.. At the end of the Archaic period, an imposing Doric style temple was constructed in the position of the Classical, slightly smaller in dimensions.
Templo de Poseidon - cabo Sounion - Grecia: Templo de Poseidon - cabo Sounion

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Temple of Poseidon - Sounion's Cape - Greece - Templo de Poseidon - cabo Sounion - Grecia

Temple of Poseidon - Sounion's Cape - Greece: Temple of Poseidon was started in 6th century B.C., but the architectural form remained unpretentious until the beginning of the 5th century B.C.. At the end of the Archaic period, an imposing Doric style temple was constructed in the position of the Classical, slightly smaller in dimensions.
Templo de Poseidon - cabo Sounion - Grecia: Templo de Poseidon - cabo Sounion

Author:   A. De Cara 2002

Photo Gallery of Greece: Photos of a Trip in Greece: Athens, Olympus, Delphi, Sonion Cape, Meteora.

Galeria de Fotos de Grecia: Fotos de un Viaje por Grecia: Atenas, Monasterios de Meteora, Monte Olimpo, Templo de Poseidon, Oraculo de Delfos.

  Total Photos: 48   Pag. Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 >>

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