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Photos of Estonia - Fotos de Estonia

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Photo Gallery Estonia
GalerĂ­a de Fotos Estonia

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 Pictures of a trip in Estonia, visitting Tallinn and some places around: Pirita, Kadriorg... Pictures about: Toompea Castle and Hill, Alexander Nevski Cathedral, Kiek in de Kök, St. Olav's Church, Fat Margaret's Tower, St. Catherine's Passage
Fotos de un viaje por Estonia, visitando su bella capital medieval: Tallin, Pirita y Kadriorg. El castillo de Toompea, la ciudad vieja, Ayuntamiento, Catedral de Alexander Nevsky, St Olav, pasaje de Sta Catalina...

  Total Photos: 53   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 >>
Ir a Foto: Kiek in de Kok - Tallin - Estonia 
Go to Photo: Kiek in de Kok - Tallinn - Estonia   Kiek in de Kok - Tallin - Estonia
Kiek in de Kok - Tallinn - Estonia

  Author: A. De Cara
  Text: Kiek in de Kök era la torre artillera mas poderosa de todo el norte de Europa durante el siglo XVI. Fue construida a finales del siglo XV y tiene un diametro de 17 metros.
  Kiek in de Kok was the most powerful cannon tower in 16th-century Northern Europe. The tower was built in the latter part of the 15th century, had a diameter of 17 meters.
Ir a Foto: Vida nocturna - Tallin - Estonia 
Go to Photo: Nightlife - Tallinn - Estonia   Vida nocturna - Tallin - Estonia
Nightlife - Tallinn - Estonia

  Author: A. De Cara
  Text: La ciudad posee una alegre vida nocturna, especialmente los fines de semana.
  The town has a great nigthlife, specially in the weekend.
Ir a Foto: Plaza del Ayuntamiento - Tallin - Estonia 
Go to Photo: Town Hall Square - Tallinn - Estonia   Plaza del Ayuntamiento - Tallin - Estonia
Town Hall Square - Tallinn - Estonia

  Author: A. De Cara
  Text: Eje de la vida en la ciudad durante siglos, está actualmente ocupada por numerosos bares y restaurantes, que durante el buen tiempo abren terrazas al aire libre.
  Hub of the Old Town and plenty of restaurants and bars, the Town Hall Square has been a marketplace and meeting place for centuries.
Ir a Foto: Casas Antiguas - Tallin - Estonia 
Go to Photo: Old Houses - Tallinn - Estonia   Casas Antiguas - Tallin - Estonia
Old Houses - Tallinn - Estonia

  Author: A. De Cara
  Text: Tallin es una de las ciudades que mejor ha preservado su herencia del medievo. Numerosas casas e iglesias de los siglos XI al XV se mantienen aĂşn en su forma original.
  Tallinn is one of the best retained medieval European towns, with streets and churches, from the 11th to 15th centuries, preserved nearly in its entirety. All the most important state and church buildings from the Middle Ages have been preserved in their basic original form from the medieval period.
Ir a Foto: Catedral Alexander Nevski - Tallin - Estonia 
Go to Photo: Alexander Nevski Cathedral - Tallinn - Estonia   Catedral Alexander Nevski - Tallin - Estonia
Alexander Nevski Cathedral - Tallinn - Estonia

  Author: A. De Cara
  Text: Es la iglesia de cĂşpula mas grande de Tallin, fuĂ© construida en 1900 sobre la colina de Toompea, cuando estonia formaba parte del imperio de los zares rusos.
  Alexander Nevski Cathedral is Tallinn’s largest cupola cathedral. This large, richly decorated Orthodox church was built on Toompea Hill in 1900, when Estonia was part of the Russian tsarist empire. The architect of the church was Mikhail Preobrazhenski.
Ir a Foto: Torre de la Catedral Luterana - Tallin - Estonia 
Go to Photo: Lutheran Cathedral- Tallinn - Estonia   Torre de la Catedral Luterana - Tallin - Estonia
Lutheran Cathedral- Tallinn - Estonia

  Author: A. De Cara
  Text: La apariencia actual de la catedral es el resultado de muchos trabajos a lo largo de la historia. La construcciĂłn inicial data de una iglesia de madera en la colina de Toompea en 1219.
  The present appearance of the Cathedral is the result of much rebuilding. The original temporary wooden church is thought to have been built on Toompea Hill in 1219, and was first mentioned in 1233.
Ir a Foto: Calles de Toompea - Tallin - Estonia 
Go to Photo: Streets of Toompea - Tallinn - Estonia   Calles de Toompea - Tallin - Estonia
Streets of Toompea - Tallinn - Estonia

  Author: A. De Cara
  Text: Bellas casas decimonĂłnicas con fachadas de colores dan un encanto especial a la Ciudad Vieja.
  Beautiful houses with facades of colors give its special charm to the Old City..
Ir a Foto: Mosaicos de la Catedral Alexander Nevski - Tallin - Estonia 
Go to Photo: Mosaics of the Alexander Nevski Cathedral - Tallinn - Estonia   Mosaicos de la Catedral Alexander Nevski - Tallin - Estonia
Mosaics of the Alexander Nevski Cathedral - Tallinn - Estonia

  Author: A. De Cara
  Text: Es la iglesia de cĂşpula mas grande de Tallin, fuĂ© construida en 1900 sobre la colina de Toompea, cuando estonia formaba parte del imperio de los zares rusos.
  Alexander Nevski Cathedral is Tallinn’s largest cupola cathedral. This large, richly decorated Orthodox church was built on Toompea Hill in 1900, when Estonia was part of the Russian tsarist empire. The architect of the church was Mikhail Preobrazhenski.
  Total Photos: 53   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 >>

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Travel Photos/Fotos de Viajes | Top 20 | Country Report | E-m@il | Links    A. De Cara 2005

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