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Photo-Gallery of Disneyland Paris

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Photo Gallery Disneyland Paris
Galería de Fotos Disneyland Paris

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 Pictures of Travels in Adventureland, Frontierland, Fatasyland, Hotels, Parades, Walt Disney Studio

  Total Pictures: 65   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >>
Go to big photo: The train Disney Character's Express - Disneyland París   The train Disney Character's Express - Disneyland París
  Author: Chicky
  Text: Several times a day this special train crosses the park with some of the prominent figures Disney who are not so popular. In the photo the King Louis and Baloo (giving us the back) of The Book of the Jungle
Go to big photo: Former transport on the streets of Disney - Disneyland París   Former transport on the streets of Disney - Disneyland París
  Author: Chicky
  Text: Several are the transport that take us for Main Street and that concern to the past. In the photo a streetcar thrown by a percheron horse and a double-decker more ancient enough that the current ones than cross London
Go to big photo: The ice-cream parlour   The ice-cream parlour " The Gibson Girl " on the corner of Main Street with the square of the castle - Disneyland París
  Author: Chicky
  Text: A name " The Gibson Girl " who evokes the ideal standard of the woman in the first years of the century twenty. And inside an ice-cream parlour of removing the hiccup, the thirst and what needs
Go to big photo: The emblem of the Studies Disney and to the bottom the Tower of the Terror - Walt Disney Studios   The emblem of the Studies Disney and to the bottom the Tower of the Terror - Walt Disney Studios
  Author: Chicky
  Text: Up to the construction of the Tower of the Terror, the great water tank crowned with Mickey's ears was the highest building of the complex Disney in Paris. Both overcome, fully, the height of the Castle
Go to big photo: The Disneyland Hotel, door of entry to the park - Disneyland París   The Disneyland Hotel, door of entry to the park - Disneyland París
  Author: Chicky
  Text: The Hotel Disneyland is the most luxurious of the hotels Disney in Paris, that of fewer number of rooms and the one that shelters below the ticket offices and the doors of access to this magic world
Go to big photo: Mickey's clock on the front of the Disneyland Hotel - Disneyland París   Mickey's clock on the front of the Disneyland Hotel - Disneyland París
  Author: Chicky
  Text: On the central tower of this magnificent hotel of Victorian style and soft pink color, it emerges a great clock where Mickey indicates us the hour with his arms
Go to big photo: More remote and complete sight of the Castle of the Sleeping Beauty - Disneyland París   More remote and complete sight of the Castle of the Sleeping Beauty - Disneyland París
  Author: Chicky
  Text: There is never sufficient the quantity of photos that we can do to the sovereign Castle, to your environment. These trees pruned in square form that in the night will be illuminated of sparkling form. Your soft pink color, similar to that of the Disneyland Hotel.
Go to big photo: The X-Wing, the fighter for the movie   The X-Wing, the fighter for the movie " The war of the Galaxies " Disneyland París announces the attraction of this name - Disneyland París
  Author: Chicky
  Text: In Discoveryland's zone there are joined the Disney's most futurist attractions. The spatial trips, the interplanetary ships and the flight simulators wait for us to realize an incredible trip
  Total Pictures: 65   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >>

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