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The Havelis of Shekhavati - Rajasthan - India - Havelis de Shekhavati - India

Photo Gallery India - Galería de Fotos India

 The Havelis of Shekhavati - Rajasthan - India: The Havelis of Shekhavati have beautiful frescoes that adorn their walls. Earlier wall paintings were largely based on the mythological themes, depicting gods, heroes, epics and local legends but during the British Raj's influence, 19th century, they found new motifs: trains, cars, balloons, telephones, gramophones...
Havelis de Shekhavati - India: Haveli, las casas de los ricos mercaderes de la región rajastaní de Shekhavati. Al principio los motivos fueron mitologicos y religiosos, pero en el siglo XIX, durante el dominio británico, las influencias cambiaron y comenzaron a aparecer aviones, trenes, etc.

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The Havelis of Shekhavati - Rajasthan - India - Havelis de Shekhavati - India

The Havelis of Shekhavati - Rajasthan - India: The Havelis of Shekhavati have beautiful frescoes that adorn their walls. Earlier wall paintings were largely based on the mythological themes, depicting gods, heroes, epics and local legends but during the British Raj's influence, 19th century, they found new motifs: trains, cars, balloons, telephones, gramophones...
Havelis de Shekhavati - India: Haveli, las casas de los ricos mercaderes de la región rajastaní de Shekhavati. Al principio los motivos fueron mitologicos y religiosos, pero en el siglo XIX, durante el dominio británico, las influencias cambiaron y comenzaron a aparecer aviones, trenes, etc.

Author:   Eva & A. De Cara

Photo Gallery of North India: Photos of a Trip in North of India. We have collect more than 3.000 photographes from New Delhi, Jaipur, Udaipur, Agra, Varanasi, Darjeeling, Khajuraho, Orchha, Jaisalmer, Mt Abu, Jodhpur, Ranakpur, Pushkar....

Galeria de Fotos del Norte de la India: Fotos de un Viaje por el Norte de la India. Hemos realizado mas de 3.000 fotografías: recorriendo desde Delhi, Jaipur, Udaipur, Agra, Benarés, Darjeeling, Khajuraho, Orchha, Jaisalmer, Mt Abu, Jodhpur, Ranakpur, Pushkar....

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