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Travel Photos/Fotos de Viajes | Top 20
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A trip in Niger: Niamey, Agadez, Tenere desert, the meeting with he bororo tribe, with the Tuareg... Un viaje por Niger: Niamey, Agadez, Macizo del Air, una travesÃa por el desierto del Teneré, el encuentro con la tribu bororo y con los tuareg.
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Maquillándose para el Gereewol o Gerewol- Tribu Bororo o Wodaabe- Niger Makeup for Gerewol party - Bororo or Wodaabe Tribe -Niger Author: Enric Masana Text: Casi en secreto los bororo se comienzan a congregar para celebrar la fiesta de Guerouel. Una fiesta en la que se disfrazarán y maquillarán para atraer a las damas, con diseños espectaculares. Gereewol takes the form of a series of dances, in which young Wodaabe men parade their beauty before the women of the tribe, who select the most appealing, judging them on their looks alone. The winners are rewarded with a night of love with the judges.
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Tribu Bororo o Woodabe - Niger Bororo Tribe or Woodabe -Niger Author: Enric Masana Text: Los Bororo o Wodaabe son un subgrupo de los Fulani o Peul. Tradicionalmente son pastores nómadas que se mueven entre el sur de Niger, Norte de Nigeria y Noroeste de Camerun. The Wodaabe (or Bororo) are a subgroup of the Fulani (Fula or Peul) ethnic group. The Wodaabe are traditionally nomadic cattle-herders and traders, with migrations stretching from southern Niger, through northern Nigeria, northeastern Cameroon, and the western region of the Central African Republic.
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Tuareg - Niger Tuareg or Touareg -Niger Author: Enric Masana Text: Los Tuareg habitan en una amplia zona del desierto del Sahara, entre Libia y Mauritania. Fueron ganaderos, comerciantes y traficantes de esclavos. Poseen una rica artesanía y profesan mayormente la religion musulmana. The Tuareg people inhabit a large area covering almost all the middle and western Sahara and the north-central Sahel.
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Travel Photos/Fotos de Viajes | Top 20
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