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Photo Gallery Ethiopia
Galería de Fotos Etiopia

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 Photos of travels in ethiopia, a amazing country plenty of tribes & old Ortodox churches.

  Total Pictures: 59   Pag. Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 >>
Go to big photo: Rock-hewn church - Saint George - Lalibela Rock-hewn church - Saint George - Lalibela
Author: A. De Cara 2006
Text: The finest rock-hewn church of Lalibela, three-quarters monolit excaved in the stone. World Heritage by UNESCO.
Go to big photo: Mursi Woman in the Omo Valley Mursi Woman in the Omo Valley
Author: A. De Cara 2006
Text: Mursi tribe woman, with mutilated lips. More pictures in our gallery: Etiopia Tribes.
Go to big photo: Old Karo warrior - Omo Valley - Ethiopia Old Karo warrior - Omo Valley - Ethiopia
Author: A. De Cara 2006
Text: Old Karo warrior controlling the Omo river and Blumi tribe area.
Go to big photo: Royal Castle of Gonder - Ethiopia Royal Castle of Gonder - Ethiopia
Author: A. De Cara 2006
Text: The royal .
El recinto real esta constituido por varios castillos, palacios y otras dependencias.
Go to big photo: Tana Lake Monasteries - Ethiopia Tana Lake Monasteries - Ethiopia
Author: A. De Cara 2006
Text: Wonderful wallpaints in the lake Tana Monasteries. World Heritage by UNESCO.
Go to big photo: Lucy, Australopithecus Afarensis - National Museum of Ethiopia - Addis Ababa Lucy, Australopithecus Afarensis - National Museum of Ethiopia - Addis Ababa
Author: A. De Cara 2006
Text: Australopithecus Afarensis is an extinct hominid which lived between 3.9 to 3 million years ago..
Go to big photo: Harar - Ethiopia Harar - Ethiopia
Author: Peter & Chritine Koening
Text: Buda Gate, one of the entrances to the old city.
Go to big photo: Hamer women dancing - Omo Valley - Ethiopia Hamer women dancing - Omo Valley - Ethiopia
Author: A. De Cara 2006
Text: Hamer women dancing in the begining of the bull jumping ceremony.
  Total Pictures: 59   Pag. Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 >>

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