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Old Pictures of Egypt: Cairo, Kings Valley, Alexandria, Pyramids, Guizeh, Abu Simbel, Elephantina
Total Pictures: 72 | Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >> |  |
Sailing of Abu Simbel Author: M2ra Text: One of the first initiatives of the present cruises by the Nasser
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Bazaar in Assouan Author: M2ra Text: The Bazaar of Assouan that already at that time was considered most colorful
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Buffalos in the Nile Author: M2ra Text: Peculiar image that helps us to transport to us to how it would be the fauna at the pharaonic time
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Water carriers of Luxor Author: M2ra Text: As one became in the antiquity, to take water from a site to another one
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Colossal statue of Rameses II in Menfis Author: M2ra Text: His discoverer was Giovanni Battista Caviglia.The statue was well-known with the name of Abu´l-Hol(Father of the terror) name that is applied to great monuments of Egypt.The statue had fallen of face which prevented to see the fascinating characteristics of the Pharaoh.
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The temple of Deir the Bahari de Hatshepshut Author: M2ra Text: One of the rarest temples and tuna of the old Egypt constructed by Hatshpeshut Pharaoh
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Step Pyramid Author: M2ra Text: Pyramid of Djoser in Saqqarah, the famous stepped pyramid. As you see, a long time ago the flocks surrounded by ewes
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Pyramids of Gizeh Author: M2ra Text: In the photo, we can see the halfed-bury and stumped Sphinx
| Total Pictures: 72 | Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >> |
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Travel Pictures | Top 20
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