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Photo Gallery Egypt
Galería de Fotos Egipto

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 Pictures of Travels in Egypt: Cairo, Kings Valley, Alexandria, Pyramids, Guizeh, Abu Simbel, Elephantina

  Total Pictures: 65   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >>
Go to big photo: Nubian village -Egypt Nubian village -Egypt
Author: m2ra
Text: Nubian village, the oldest according to the Mc Gravi Guide.
Go to big photo: Elephantine island -Aswan -Egypt Elephantine island -Aswan -Egypt
Author: m2ra
Text: Elephantine island to the left; island Kitchener (of the flowers) to the right.
Go to big photo: Aswan market -Egypt Aswan market -Egypt
Author: m2ra
Text: Aswan market in the store of Ahmed (for sure you find it without more).
Go to big photo: Coptic Church -Cairo- Egypt Coptic Church -Cairo- Egypt
Author: m2ra
Text: Churc in the Coptic district.
Go to big photo: Pyramid Snefru -Cairo- Egypt Pyramid Snefru -Cairo- Egypt
Author: m2ra
Text: Pyramid romboidal of Snefru.
Go to big photo: Mosque of Alabaster -Cairo- Egypt Mosque of Alabaster -Cairo- Egypt
Author: m2ra
Text: In the Citadel, Mosque of alabaster of Saladino.
Go to big photo: Alabaster Mosque -Cairo- Egypt Alabaster Mosque -Cairo- Egypt
Author: m2ra
Text: Entrance to the alabaster mosque.
Go to big photo: Clock in the Alabaster Mosque -Cairo- Egypt Clock in the Alabaster Mosque -Cairo- Egypt
Author: m2ra
Text: Famous clock located in the interior patio of the mosque, gift of France to Egypt in exchange for the shaft of the temple of Luxor (now in the Concord Square of Paris). The clock never worked.
  Total Pictures: 65   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >>

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