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Photo Gallery Papua
Galería de Fotos Papua

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 Photos of a Trip in the island of Papua, Indonesia and some of the most far corners of our Planet.

  Total Pictures: 29   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 >>
Go to big photo: Farm of crocodiles- Papua New Guinea Farm of crocodiles- Papua New Guinea
Author: Margarita Diaz Casado
Text: .
Go to big photo: Wedding Dani- Papua New Guinea Wedding Dani- Papua New Guinea
Author: Margarita Diaz Casado
Text: .
Go to big photo: Wamena - Capital of the interior of Papua New Guinea Wamena - Capital of the interior of Papua New Guinea
Author: Margarita Diaz Casado
Text: The only way to arrive is by plane from Sentani.
Go to big photo: Market of Wamena- Papua New Guinea Market of Wamena- Papua New Guinea
Author: Margarita Diaz Casado
Text: .
Go to big photo: - Papua New Guinea - Papua New Guinea
Author: Margarita Diaz Casado
Text: The only form of to travel the valley and to visit the different villages is walking.
Go to big photo: - Papua New Guinea - Papua New Guinea
Author: Margarita Diaz Casado
Text: .
Go to big photo: Ceremony of the Pig - Kilise -Balliem Valley -Papua New Guinea Ceremony of the Pig - Kilise -Balliem Valley -Papua New Guinea
Author: Margarita Diaz Casado
Text: .
Go to big photo: Ceremony of the Pig - Kilise -Balliem Valley -Papua New Guinea Ceremony of the Pig - Kilise -Balliem Valley -Papua New Guinea
Author: Margarita Diaz Casado
Text: .
  Total Pictures: 29   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 >>

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