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Royal Palace -Budapest- Hungary - Palacio Real -Budapest- Hungria

Photo Gallery Hungary - Galería de Fotos Hungria

 Royal Palace -Budapest- Hungary: Located at the top of Castle Hill of Buda, the Palace was first inhabited by King Bela in the 13th century. During the next 7 centuries it was the residence of many kings.
Palacio Real -Budapest- Hungria: Situado en lo alto de la Montaña de Buda, su primer habitante fue el rey Bela en el sigo XIII. Durante los 700 años posteriores fue la residencia de numerosos reyes.

  Total Photos: 32   Pag. Index 1 2 3 4 >>
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Palacio Real -Budapest- Hungria  Photo  Next >>
Royal Palace -Budapest- Hungary - Palacio Real -Budapest- Hungria

Royal Palace -Budapest- Hungary: Located at the top of Castle Hill of Buda, the Palace was first inhabited by King Bela in the 13th century. During the next 7 centuries it was the residence of many kings.
Palacio Real -Budapest- Hungria: Situado en lo alto de la Montaña de Buda, su primer habitante fue el rey Bela en el sigo XIII. Durante los 700 años posteriores fue la residencia de numerosos reyes.

Author:   N. Quiros

Photos of Hungary: Pictures of Hungary: Budapest, Buda District, Pest, Danube River, brigges.. Esztergom Cathedral, Lake Balaton.

Fotos de Hungria: Galería de Fotos de Hungria: Budapest, puentes, el rio Danubio, Lago Balaton, Catedral de Esztergom.

  Total Photos: 32   Pag. Index 1 2 3 4 >>

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