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Photo Gallery Singapore
Galería de Fotos Singapur

Pag. 1 of 8

 Photos of some trips in Singapore: Botanic Garden, Raffles City, The Bay, Museun of Asia, Chinatown.
Fotos de varios viajeros en Singapur: jardín botanico, Raffles City, Museo de Asia, Chinatown, la Bahia.

  Total Photos: 57   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 >>
Ir a Foto: Quays en el rio Singapur 
Go to Photo: Quays on Singapore River Quays en el rio Singapur
Quays on Singapore River

Author: A. De Cara 2007
Text: La zona remozada de los muelles del río Singapur.
  Clarke Quay is a lively area of chic restaurants and pubs, next to the Singapore River.
Ir a Foto: Clarke Quay - Singapur 
Go to Photo: Clarke Quay - Singapore Clarke Quay - Singapur
Clarke Quay - Singapore

Author: A. De Cara 2007
Text: La zona remozada de los muelles del río Singapur.
  Clarke Quay is a lively area of chic restaurants and pubs, next to the Singapore River.
Ir a Foto: Clarke Quay - Singapur 
Go to Photo: Clarke Quay - Singapore Clarke Quay - Singapur
Clarke Quay - Singapore

Author: A. De Cara 2007
Text: La zona remozada de los muelles del río Singapur.
  Clarke Quay is a lively area of chic restaurants and pubs, next to the Singapore River.
Ir a Foto: Museo de las Civilizaciones de Asia - Singapur 
Go to Photo: Asian Civilisations Museum - Singapore Museo de las Civilizaciones de Asia - Singapur
Asian Civilisations Museum - Singapore

Author: A. De Cara 2007
Text: Contiene una excelente coleccion de antiguas piezas de arte asiático. Ademas se puede visitar una interesante exposicion que cuenta la historia de la isla.
  The Asian Civilisations Museum (ACM) institution which forms a part of the three museums of the National Museums of Singapore. It is the pioneering museum in the region to specialise in pan-Asian cultures and civilisations, and contributes to the education of Singaporean heritage by tracing the histories of Singapore's forefathers who came to Singapore over the last few centuries.
Ir a Foto: Museo de las Civilizaciones de Asia - Singapur 
Go to Photo: Asian Civilisations Museum - Singapore Museo de las Civilizaciones de Asia - Singapur
Asian Civilisations Museum - Singapore

Author: A. De Cara 2007
Text: Contiene una excelente coleccion de antiguas piezas de arte asiático. Ademas se puede visitar una interesante exposicion que cuenta la historia de la isla.
  The Asian Civilisations Museum (ACM) institution which forms a part of the three museums of the National Museums of Singapore. It is the pioneering museum in the region to specialise in pan-Asian cultures and civilisations, and contributes to the education of Singaporean heritage by tracing the histories of Singapore's forefathers who came to Singapore over the last few centuries.
Ir a Foto: Puente Cavenagh - Singapur 
Go to Photo: Cavenagh Bridge - Singapore Puente Cavenagh - Singapur
Cavenagh Bridge - Singapore

Author: A. De Cara 2007
Text: Une el barrio finaciero y de rascacialos, CBD, con el barrio administrativo y colonial.
  The bridge links CBD, business district, and colonial district.
Ir a Foto: La estatua de Merlion - Singapur 
Go to Photo: Merlion - Singapore La estatua de Merlion - Singapur
Merlion - Singapore

Author: A. De Cara 2007
Text: El merlion es un animal mitologico que se supone protege a la ciudad de Singapur.
Ir a Foto: La estatua de Merlion- Singapur 
Go to Photo: The Merlion - Singapore La estatua de Merlion- Singapur
The Merlion - Singapore

Author: A. De Cara 2007
Text: El merlion tiene cabeza de leon y cuerpo de pez. Representa la fusion entre el caracter de la gente de esta tierra y su asociacion con el mar.
  The Merlion is a statue with the head of a lion and the body of a fish. Its name comes from a portmanteau of mermaid and lion. The merlion was designed by Fraser Brunner for the Singapore Tourism Board in 1964.
  Total Photos: 57   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 >>

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