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Photo Gallery USA
Galería de Fotos USA

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 Pictures of Travels in USA. New York, Boston, Philadephia, Niagara Waterfalls, Arlington, Lancaster

  Total Pictures: 41   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 >>
Go to big photo: Boston, Cheers entrance Boston, Cheers entrance
Author: J. Pecharroman
Text: Entry to the bar of the famous series of Tv "Cheers"
Go to big photo: Crossing the New York State Crossing the New York State
Author: J. Pecharroman
Text: Farms in autumm
Granjas en Otoño
Go to big photo: Seneca Falls Deli Seneca Falls Deli
Author: J. Pecharroman
Text: Interior of a restaurant in the principal street, as if it was the set of a series of TV
Go to big photo: Niagara, waterfalls -USA Niagara, waterfalls -USA
Author: J. Pecharroman
Text: Sight of the waterfalls from de canadian side
Go to big photo: Niagara Falls Niagara Falls
Author: J. Pecharroman
Text: It gets dark in Niagara Falls
Go to big photo: Niagara, waterfalls -USA Niagara, waterfalls -USA
Author: J. Pecharroman
Text: Sight of the waterfall from the "Maid of the Mist" ship
Go to big photo: Niagara, waterfalls -USA Niagara, waterfalls -USA
Author: J. Pecharroman
Text: By nigth illuminated with color lights
Go to big photo: Niagara, waterfalls -USA Niagara, waterfalls -USA
Author: J. Pecharroman
Text: in the edge of the waterfall
  Total Pictures: 41   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 >>

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