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Our car trapped in the sand at a dune´s edge - Libya

Photo Gallery Libya - Galería de Fotos Libia

 Our car trapped in the sand at a dune´s edge - Libya: going up or down, if the speed is not enough when reaching the edge, the wheel may stay off the ground. If too fast, then the car may overturn.

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Our car trapped in the sand at a dune´s edge - Libya

Our car trapped in the sand at a dune´s edge - Libya: going up or down, if the speed is not enough when reaching the edge, the wheel may stay off the ground. If too fast, then the car may overturn.

Author:   Carlos Diaz Huertas

Photos of Libya: Pictures of Travels in Libya: Tripoli, Ghadames, Nalut, Frezzan, Ghat, Leptis, Akakus, Sahara Desert, Tuareg....

  Total Pictures: 65   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >>

If you want to Travel to Libia LosViajeros is your site. You can find here, everything that you need for planning your trip to Libia: Travel Forums by countries, continents and zones, Lists of Travellers, Photo Galleries, Blogs or our Weblinks...

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